22 July 2013

Sagrada Familia, Barcelona

 If you were to put in a search for great architectural buildings then be prepared to come across; Basilica I Temple Expiatori d la Sagrada Familia; a Roman Catholic Church situated in the centre of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
The Basillica of the Sagrada Familia was conceived and, inspired by a Catalan bookseller and chairman of the holy brotherhood, Josep Maria Bocabella (1815-1892). On his way back from the Vatican in 1872, Josep was determined to build a cathedral having witnessed the one in Loreto. In 1881 the location was granted and Francesc de Paula I Villar (1828-1901) was commissioned to build Sagrada Familia.
However, Francesc de Paula I Villa resigned due to constant discrepancies with Joan Mortorell-a architect who worked well with Josep Maria Bocabella. The job was then offered to Mortorell himself whom immediately turned it down, proposing  architect Antoni Gaudi.

Josep Maria Bocabella

Antoni Gaudi changed the original concept, seizing the opportunity to express his devout feelings. He was a visionary and organic and was portrayed as a perfectionist. He would frequently alter his designs, making models and spontaneous drafts, therefore apart from creating a module, which was burnt in the fire (Spanish Civil War), he never followed a planned architectural design from start to end on papers, thus leaving no documented evidence of completion of his work(s). However, Antoni Gaudi made it clear he wanted a total of 18 towers; twelve symbolising the apostles, four dedicated to the evangelist and one of each for Mary and Jesus. With his engineering architecture experience he manually built the structure adding a Gothic and curvilinear Art Nouveau feel to it and even took up residence so he could be there dealing with any issues immediately. He dedicated himself to the job for over forty years, only ever having one girlfriend in his lifetime. He became so dedicated in mastering Sagrada Familia that he neglected his own appearance.

On the 10th June 1926 Antoni Gaudi was knocked down by a tram. Due to his unkempt exterior, nobody recognised him, leaving him abandoned. Taxi drivers refused him access thinking he was a vagabond. Police, in the end, intervened and took him to a “poor hospital” where he stayed for three days before passing away, aged 73. Off course, it is heart-breaking to note that he took with him his inner vision of the cathedral. Less then a quarter of Sagrada Familia was complete, relying on private donations, architects continued to work on the project until the disruption of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939).

During the Spanish Civil War anarchists took advantage of the situation and targeted the Sagrada Familia, setting fire to the crypt and workshop destroying; models, photographs and original drawings -which would have given clear future reference as to Antoni Gaudi’s intentions. Eventually, shaking of post-war, Francesc de Paula Quintana I Vidal, an associate of Gaudi since 1919, restored the burnt crypt and reconstructed many of the damaged models, which was used as a guideline. In 1954 work was continued with, if anything, more determination to fulfil Antoni Gaudi’s wishes. In 1955 a full day was taken out for collections, this was when the public, whom at the time opted for continuation, donated money to the project. In 1961 a museum opened, allowing visitors the chance to learn more about the history of Sagrada Familia, and, especially to learn the symbolic aspects of the cathedral.

In the late 1950’s computer-aided-design technology was slowly added to the sculptures, which allowed architects to use machines to shape stone, whereas in the early 20th century the stone was carved by hand, taking a longer period to complete sections. Architects continued working on the Sagrada Familia under chief architect Jordi Bonet. The deadline for completion is 2026, an anniversary date to Antoni Gaudi’s death.

I got quite excited at the idea of looking into the history of Sagrada Familia. I am a huge fan of unique architecture. I have written for many years, specialising mainly about Spain. When I came across Sagrada Familia, like a lot of people, I was in awe, my breath was taken immediately and my heart leaped with joy and I felt such emotion, inspiration and love. The structural vision was like poetry, where every detail fulfilled my hunger.  I have to admit something though, at the beginning of this journey I was quite naïve. I believed reading about Sagrada Familia would be like reading a fairytale, a happy ending. I no longer believe this now, infact, I do not ever believe, completed or not, Sagrada Familia, will ever have it’s happy ending, regardless of it’s magnificent beauty.

I can imagine
Antoni Gaudi in heaven still
designing Sagrada Familia
To much controversy surrounds, like a swarm of bees; hard to ignore. Throughout my research I could not ignore the constant questions rotating inside my head; can you really call Sagrada Familia a Gaudi masterpiece? With constant architectures working on this daily and the constant additions, what would Gaudi himself think of the unfinished work today?  The building has gone through so many dilemmas, yet still determined to rise. My only hope is, I live to see the final completion, now, that would be a spectacular scene!



  1. Hi Leah what a wonderful start to your project, look forward to reading more.

  2. Excellent blog, looking forward to seeing more.
