23 November 2014

Gitanos: How much do you know about their history?

First of all thank you for coming on to my blog, I hope you will enjoy the many subjects I have yet to offer. My aim is to engage my readers into opinionated reviews; to build up a conversation on thoughts; whether you agree or disagree with what I have to say per subject. If you have been to any of the festivals I have mentioned, or visited any locations, please feel free to share your experience(s). If you do not wish to leave a comment, how about ticking the boxes that allows me a better understanding of what you gained through reading my work. Once again, thank you!

I became inspired by numerous of Flamenco dancers; designed in oil paintings or watercolours. I love anything to do with Flamenco dancing; but I am aware of the term Flamenco; the background of Gitano's. If I could, if I could turn back time, the history of Gitanos would never have happened; no discrimination, nor persecution or death. However, had the repercussion never existed, would Flamenco be as strong as it is today? Would the powerful three pillars be still standing?
Throughout their awful history, they remained strong, never defeated, even in the hands of death did they collapse into someone other than they are.

To spread the arms; like the flight of a bird; wingspan spreads amongst the freshness of the sky; freedom. Freedom from sorrow and loss, freedom from persecution and discrimination...free from a society that once withheld their rights. To dream in a postcard of such a classic rhythm is but prejudice, without understanding. Flamenco is a healer, a way of life; it is nor choreographed or fighting for recognition. If you look within their eyes, the way their lips tremble, the way their posture is precise.
They; the discriminators or the naïve call Gitanos rebels; really? How can you label Gitanos rebels when they dance to remove inner pain, or joy? Their weapon is their spoken soul; they do not hide inner emotions, they speak out in coordination. 

I have been studying the dark history that persecuted gitanos from 1499 Medina del Campo. I have been studying for many months now and I hope to do my readers proud once completed. It has been a hell of a roller-coaster ride, and I am nowhere near finished.

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